Top 50 Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers

how to become a project manager improvements help mistakes in processes and thus help improve quality. A good Project Manager needs to know how to interact with colleagues and stakeholders, as well as make sure they can motivate and lead team members. Testimonials Hear from our students on how BrainStation has helped them build successful careers. Enterprise Training Reskill your team to fill digital and technology roles. Learn a new digital skill by taking one of our certificate courses in-person or online.

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However, the process may differ in terms of the number of rounds of interviews conducted and the type of questions asked. Some companies, Google for one, ensure candidates have exceptional coding skills. Facebook, on the other hand, prioritizes candidates being a good cultural fit. They use their skills and expertise to plan and execute projects in alignment with business goals. The ability to work under pressure, deal with change, and cultivate team skills are key traits of a project manager.

What are the processes and process groups in the project management framework?

As the project manager, you oversee the project and the people working on it. Your job is to oversee the day-to-day tasks of the project and make sure people are pulling their weight. Collaboration is another crucial skill for success as a project manager. And these days, it’s not uncommon for team members to work remotely and even live all over the world.


However, when they tell you about the mistake they’ve made, note if they take responsibility for it and, of course, how they resolved it. Project managers need to be able to use tools to communicate with their team members whether they’re traditional, remote or hybrid teams. In a nutshell, the interviewer wants to see how, in detail, you’re able to succeed as a project manager. After all, meeting customer expectations when it comes to project delivery is your ultimate goal. It’s important not to be vague and give a generalized answer; you’ll want to give precise examples and details about your process. If your interviewer asks this, you’ll want to assure him or her that you are an effective communicator who motivates others on your team. Not only should good project managers be encouraging when delegating to their team, but they should also be clear in their expectations.

Do You Have Experience Managing Budgets?

In some respects, this question is similar to “Tell me about yourself.” The hiring manager wants to learn more about you as a professional. But when they ask you this project manager interview question, they’re trying to learn more about you as a project manager. Monitoring a project is the only way to make sure your team is aligned with the project plan. Online Gantt charts measure the progress of each task, but project managers want a bird’s-eye view.

How do you prepare for a project manager interview?

The best way to prepare for your Project Manager interview is to practice. Ask a friend or colleague to do a mock interview with you, or record and listen back to your responses. Prepare a variety of real-life examples that support your project management experience.

Especially in the context of an abrupt change to remote work, it is crucial for managers to acknowledge stress, listen to employees’ concerns, and empathize with their problems. Conflicts are inevitable, but it does not necessarily have to be destructive.

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Some typical activities can be identified as related initiating a project. Planning set of activities are required to plan the activities to be undertaken to achieve the defined goals. A related set of activities are required to monitor and correct the course of actions to keep the project on the planned course charted for it. Even if an interview doesn’t include this specific question, it’s a wise exercise for any job candidate to think about his or her top skills and how they bring value to companies.

35+ Most Common Interview Questions and Answers Tips–The Best List – The Good Men Project

35+ Most Common Interview Questions and Answers Tips–The Best List.

Posted: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 10:49:46 GMT [source]

Those that don’t have this experience may be interested in acquiring it, but you can’t afford to hire someone who doesn’t have it and doesn’t want it if you need it. Your resume lists the credentials that qualify you for the role, so you don’t need to rehash every element of your background. But when the opportunity arises to discuss your soft skills, that’s your chance to display your personality and leadership presence. Don’t hold back, but do not simply tick off “organized, patient, good multitasker, persistent.” This is the time to deploy engaging storytelling.

What are some best practices you’ve used to develop excellent customer relationships?

You can also get a feel of how well this individual will adapt to the project manager role at your organization. A good way to do this is to ask him to tell you a little about his past, present and future job expectations. Both project monitoring and control are used to keep projects on track and carried out from start to finish. These procedures must be planned as part of the project management strategy for the project life cycle to go well. There are several methods to lead, each with its benefits and drawbacks. When it comes to project management, it’s impossible to avoid bringing up a leadership style. A project manager may have to choose how they lead depending on the project, from top-down to servant leadership.

  • However, your company does not have a full-time database administrator.
  • This behavioral question takes the conversation from the theoretical to the practical.
  • Every project hits a snag along the way, but not every project manager is aware of that delay until the project budget or project schedule is affected.
  • Expert responses that you can use to form your own successful answers.